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Steridet Premium Machine Warewash Detergent


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STERIDET is a concentrated liquid dishmachine detergent, specially formulated to provide excellent soil removal in medium-hard water conditions. STERIDET is suitable for use in a wide range of ware-wash machines, from under-bench glass-washers to large tunnel-washers, and all sizes in between. STERIDET also has application as an alkaline CIP detergent in certain situations in food processing equipment. Do not use STERIDET on alkali sensitive items such as copper, brass, aluminium or rubber.



* Concentrated, caustic soda based detergent.
* Contains a high level of three different scale control agents.



* Cuts through grease and dried on food.
* Being highly concentrated gives greater economy in use.
* Prevents scaling of the dish-machine in medium to hard water conditions.

Directions for use:


* STERIDET is normally applied using Hygiene Technologies auto-dispensing equipment, however it can be used in conjunction with integral dosing pumps where fitted. To ensure perfect cleaning results, dose at the recommended rates below, suited to your local conditions.

– For soft water (0-60ppm hardness)/light soiling 1 ml/ltr (0.1% v/v)

– For moderately hard water (60-140ppm hardness)/medium soiling 2 ml/ltr (0.2% v/v)

– For medium hard water (140-250ppm hardness)/heavier soiling 3 ml/ltr (0.3% v/v)

– For hard water (250ppm + hardness)/heavy soiling 4 ml/ltr (0.4% v/v)

* For food-processing CIP applications, specific instructions will be given for your situation by your HTL representative. Typical use rates for these applications are 0.5 – 2.0% v/v (5 – 20 mls/ltr)

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