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Hose Reels – Bug trap or must have piece of equipment?

Deciding on what hose reel to buy is a perplexing decision, there are a plethora of different types in the market. Hose reels vary in many ways and not all are suitable for every situation.
In some situations there is potentially no need for a hose reel.
Below will highlight the things to consider when looking for a hose reel and also help you understand if you need one at all.


Lets first look at the benefits of having a hose reel:

  • Helps to keep hose tidy and not lying on the floor, reducing tripping hazards.
  • Prevent damage to hoses, some industry experts believe that hoses stored on reels can last up to FIVE times longer.
  • It is quicker to wind up the hose than having to do it manually, meaning the hose is more likely to be wound up at the end of a shift as it is easier to do so.
  • The hose in the reel is ready to use – no tangles or kinks.
  • Placing the hose reel higher up the wall reduces the risk of microbial contamination associated with hoses lying on or near the floor.


Some of the disadvantages are:

  • Some models of hose reel with spring action can create excessive hose whip during rewind, which is a health and safety hazard and can lead to damage of equipment.
  • Hose reels with multiple 90 degree elbows impact the quality of foam.
  • The perception that a hose reel is a bug trap, so to be avoided at all costs.


Looking at the above it seems like a hose reel is a good solution, as long as you do some research and select the right reel for your application. Another point to remember is that these need be added to your cleaning and sanitising schedule, just because the hoses are nicely away does not mean they can be forgotten. Making sure they and the reel and regularly cleaned will reduce the chance of them becoming a bug trap.

  • The final consideration is whether a hose reel will add value within your business. Check out some of the points below and if you are answering yes to most of these then a hose reel may add some real value for you.
  • Do you use cleaning hoses to rinse, foam and or disinfect within your business daily?
  • Safety on the shop/factory floor is of paramount importance to you.
  • The combination of ergonomics and work is important to you.
    Sustainable usage of equipment.
  • You value increased efficiencies and productivity.