Hello Guest,

Busy! is an understated response from the team at Hygiene Technologies following our presence at the Foodtech Packtech tradeshow in Auckland.

The tradeshow was a fantastic success, providing an excellent opportunity to showcase our huge range of innovative cleaning equipment and solutions.


The stand was a sea of colour with our Fibreclean range of brushware, bins and buckets and a hive of activity with three interactive displays – the TM Smart Gel being demonstrated, the conveyor being dry steam cleaned and the ‘walk over’ dirt removal system called ProfilGate®.

Hygiene Technologies’ display area was jammed full of equipment and we received plenty of positive comments about the impressive array of cleaning equipment and solutions we offer.

Of course, not only did we showcase such a wide range of products but we had our team of experts on hand to answer all your questions.

We are now busy following up on all of those discussions.

The most popular equipment item was the Powerflo dry steam cleaner for conveyor systems, which showed how effective this cleaning process is compared to alternative options.

It’s well known that there is an industry-wide challenge in cleaning conveyors due to the time it takes and ineffective results from attempting to clean the many surfaces of a conveyor.

If you can’t wait, see our video and more info here.

Prior to Foodtech we became the agent for ProfilGate® , – which is a patented system that removes dirt from tyres, wheels and shoes when they pass over the brush grates.

It has unique angled brushes, through which dirt and foreign matter fall down and are simply collected in the capturing tray, underneath. The system operates automatically and does not need any external energy supply.

Very strong interest from food processors was also shownv in TM Smart Gel, which confirms if a surface is clean or not by simply spraying the product and watching the colour change.

Hygiene Technologies marketing manager Nathan Senior says the Smart Gel results are virtually instant, ensuring there is little or no production downtime.
Smart Gel has already proved to be a winner for Westland Milk Products in Hokitika – see case study here.

Don’t forget that the tradeshow special on the TSM Floor scrubber is still on offer until the end of October. Be in quick for this brilliant deal for a very useful floor scrubber at an ultra competitive rate plus the full start up kit valued at $765.80 for FREE!

We’ve put together a little highlights package of the tradeshow, which you can view here.



Click on the links below for more information on the products displayed:

Our mission is to make food processors more profitable through an innovative approach to hygiene. We are here to help you so please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your application.