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A meat processing company has phased out its complete reliance on a centralised foaming system in favour of the Powerflo Technifoamer within one of its departments.They now solely use the Technifoamer in the boning room due to issues with the older central system in that area.The Technifoamer is a compressed air driven foaming machine for the application of cleaning chemicals in the food, pharmaceutical and transport industries.

The Technifoamer has won over the meat company because of its reliability and consistency of foam application, providing better contact time and soil penetration.

“We have a very large boning floor and it’s a lot better to use, providing consistent delivery of foam and the results have been fantastic.

“The Technifoamer doesn’t require power, all you need is air and that’s great.”

During a regular visit to the plant Hygiene Tech account manager Bernard mentioned the new mobile system.

The timing couldn’t have been better as the plant manager raised concerns that the existing centralised system wasn’t doing its job including not providing a good even flow of foam.

“The Technifoamer provides a good sticky foam and you can easily adjust the foam’s texture to be either thicker or more watery.”

The chemical is currently manually loaded into the machine but the company is considering the option of fitting a dosing unit so that the Technifoamer can be filled with ‘ready to use’ solution – which is as simple as turning on a tap.

The Technifoamer isn’t just suitable for the boning room but can also be used in other parts of the plant including the slaughter room, or where the central system doesn’t cover.

Hygiene Tech’s Glen Senior says the Technifoamer is suitable for both small and large food processors that regularly use foaming cleaners.

It can be used as an extremely affordable alternative to a central chemical dosing system for smaller users or as a backup plan for those using a central system, since this is a critical function they can’t be without.

Glen says centralised systems can be very expensive to install, so it’s worth considering the Technifoamer.

Quick features:

  • Only requires an airhose to operate
  • 110 Litre capacity
  • Available in red or blue for colour coding purposes
  • No pressure in the tank at any time
  • 10 or 20m foam hose options
  • Chlorine friendly pumps available
  • Creates and maintains a consistently strong foam
  • Easy maintenance
  • Dosing pumps available to fill units with diluted chemical

Hygiene Technologies

Contact us today to discuss the suitability of a Technifoamer for your plant.